The Creative Museum Event in Lyon
Building a Creative Museum Together at the Museomix Summer Camp in Lyon, France - Thursday 6 July 2017, 13.00-18.00 - Gadagne Museums, 1 place du petit Collège, 69005 Lyon, France
Based on the outcomes of the project to-date, this practical ...
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Museums and Makers Inspiring Each Other
Re-Imagining the Museum Experience for Makers - Chester Beatty Library, Dublin - Ireland on 1-2 October 2016
Don Undeen, Make Create Innovate and Jenny Siung, Chester Beatty Library co-presented a 2-day workshop for local museums and makers and discovered how ...
read moreThe Creative Museum in Brighton
Building a Creative Museum Together at The Brighton Digital Festival, UK - Friday 23 September 2016, 13.00-17.30
Based on the outcomes of the project to-date, this practical half-day conference looks at some of the recommended ingredients for building a ‘creative ...
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The Creative Museum in Helsinki
A Gamified Conference for Makers, Museums and Independent Minds - Finland on 1-3 June 2016
Museolitto (Finnish Museums Association) hosted a conference Creative Museum – A Gamified Conference for Makers, Museums and Independent Minds in the Theatre Museum and Finnish ...
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The creative museum at Museumnext
Chester Beatty Library, Dublin - Ireland on Monday 18 April 2016
Eight lightning talks, two hands-on workshops and lots of social mingling in a high-paced, interactive and fun event about creativity and maker culture in museums.
The Creative Museum at MuseumNext ...
read moreCreative practices in Museums
Auditorium Terza Torre, Bologna – Italy on Thursday 8 October 2015
The conference on Creative practices in Museums was organized to explore the potential of digital technologies applied to museums and to connect the Maker Community and digital industries with ...
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Museomix training
12-16 November 2015 - Making Museomix training event - Musée National du Sport, Nice, FRANCE
a peer-to-peer training programme for museum professionals.
Museomix association is responsible for Making Museomix training. It consists of a peer-to-peer training programme for museum professionals.
- Museum ...
read moreMuseums inspiring makers
Science Gallery, Dublin - Ireland on Thursday April 16 2015
Museums are often viewed as dead spaces. Yet museums contain incredible collections and inspire creativity, learning and curiosity. What is in store for the future of museums as they face ...
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