Re:make the museum
Derby Silk Mill, UK
Derby Museums placed participation at the heart of itsproject to redevelop the Silk Mill, considered to be the site of the world’s firstfactory. Re:Make the Museum invited audiences to become co-producers andMakers, co-designing and manufacturing fixtures and fittings onsite to makea prototype Museum of Making. more
Museomix, France
Museomix is the first international cultural makeathonthat mixes skills and insights. Museomix is a gathering of mediators,tinkerers, designers, developers, graphics, designers, communicators, artists,writers, and scientists at the heart of a museum to experiment and connecttogether. Museomix is a 3-day creative sprint to invent, design, prototypeand test innovative more
The Museum as a Neighbourhood Living Room
Museum of Technology (Tekniikan Museo), Finland
The Neighbourhood Living Room looks at how a museum can build a more dynamic and participatory audience relationship. The vision is that a museum can be integrated as a part of the community and act as a living room for citizens. The methods used more
La science: une histoire d’humour
TRACES / Espace des Sciences Pierre-Gilles de Gennes / ESPCI Paristech – PSL University, France
La science: une histoire d’humour was a 100% crowdsourcedexhibition about science and humour. The entire content of theexhibition was provided by the users/visitors. The exhibition opened as anempty space without content or objects. At first, more