Museomix training

12-16 November 2015 – Making Museomix training event – Musée National du Sport, Nice, FRANCE

a peer-to-peer training programme for museum professionals.

MuseomixNice Novembre 2015

Museomix association is responsible for Making Museomix training.  It consists of a peer-to-peer training programme for museum professionals.

– Museum professionals will be invited to put into practice during the Making Museomix training programme innovative practices.
– They will explore ways to bridge the gap between participatory webculture and institutional culture.
– The purpose of the programme is to encourage audiences imagine a cultural space that allows them to become engaged users.

Within The Creative Museum project, Museomix association circulates innovative methodologies to contribute to the evolution of professional practices in museum organisations.

Making Museomix training key outcomes

> to understand Museomix concept
> to discover collaborative working methodologies
> to create space for collaboration with local communities
> to create new mediation/education tools
> to experiment co-creation processes
> to discover new possible integration of new technologies into the cultural arena

Making Museomix training methodology

Teaching methods: peer-to-peer learning activities and training through experimentation
Format: with a tutor, immersive format within the Museomix organization team
o    Nice: Musée National du Sport
o    Paris: La Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie
o    Rennes: Musée de BretagneDates: 5 days 5-9 November 2016 for Paris /// 12-16 November 2016 for Nice and Rennes
Evaluation:  trainees will have the opportunity to evaluate the training programme and assess the possibility of translating Museomix outcomes into their organisation.

Museomix tutor missions

Tutors – are members of the Museomix community builders – will welcome, inform and train museum professionals from The Creative Museum partner organisations. They will accompany the group of trainees (2/3 trainees) along the duration of the training programme.
The tutors will:
> provide education material
> provide theoretical training sessions
> make sure that the trainees are well integrated within the Museomix organisation team
> enable the trainees to experiment « museumixing » processes
> provide the trainees with an evaluation tool

Visitors’ scenario

During the training event, museum professionals from the Creative Museum project have created a team to take part to the Museomix event. All together with other participants from the local museomix community they have created a new display for the Musée National du Sport …


The Martin family go visiting the National Sport Museum in Nice. After purchasing the tickets, they move to  a stand dedicated to the “guest” visitors.They are requested to provide their name, surname and age; a picture of each member is taken with a digital camera, and they receive a special Olympic torch. The torch displays on its screen the map where some exhibits are located within the Museum tour. Ground markers indicate the points of interest where special content is activated when the torch is approaching (the torch lights on every time she enters a content area).

The torch “talks” with an enthusiastic tone: the voice of a museum expert (Claude Boli, sport historian) shares with the visitors the emotions associated to seven  objects related to exceptional sport champions,  whose stories go far beyond the mere sport performance.


Detailed programme of the training