Finnish Museums Association

Theatre Museum and The Finnish Museum of Photography / Finnish Museums Association, Helsinki, Finland and Maker 3D company, Helsinki Hacklab on 26 September – 7 October 2016

Finnish Museums Association


Leila Johnston from Heritec Limited (Harrogate England)



Objectives of the residence

To create a sound art object and present maker’s own work in a way he likes it with no pressure from the host.

  1. To find out about the maker scene in Finland, and consider what we in the UK can learn from it and vice versa. This information will come largely from talking to people, including informal conversations over the fortnight, and perhaps visits to maker spaces.
  2. Understand the role that these museums play in their communities: what are their collections like? what sorts of things do they need from a maker? what is striking or interesting about theatre or photography that could be the starting point of a piece of new work? These are questions I expect to address, talk, and write about over the fortnight.
  3. To learn about Finland’s creative and cultural scene, and in turn share some knowledge of UK maker culture, aesthetics, trends etc, and consider how museum-hacker relations compare between the two countries.
  4. To get some informal coaching on techniques or equipment by spending time with some of Helsinki’s makers.


  • To talk about the work to some art/tech students from the local International School.
  • To made a little mouse-tracking app in Processing, which creates an interesting/ghostly effect.
  • making LED puppets, drawing robots and scanning families at the Finnish Photography Museum for the Family Day

Blog (Maker)