The Silk Mill, Heritec on 26 September – 7 October 2016
Mylène L’Orguilloux from Cap Sciences (Bordeaux, France)
Textiles are fundamental to the story of the Silk Mill. As the site of the world’s first factory, specifically designed to produced textiles, the Museum was really keen to weave textiles into the making and storytelling he use to represent Derby’s rich heritage. Having already tested many different materials out on their laser cutter, the Museum was interested in seeing how well it responds to textiles and if it’s possible to use other elements from the workshop to help inform making in this area. Mylène’s existing work in this area has help to inform this approach.
Objectives of the residence
- To learn about a new concept of museum based on public participation and the history of making
- To design and prototyp products with unusual wasted material
- To practice technical English related to maker spaces activities
- Testing different fabrics on the laser cutter
- Designing and prototyping until finished product a tool belt and bracelets
- pair-to- pair textile knowledge exchanges
- pair-to- pair learning on professional education activities in the museum
“The Derby Silk Mill is an inspiring place to understand how people can get involved in the process of making without having any specifics skills.”
“It was interesting to work, out of my comfort zone and adapt myself to technical constraints”